5 Tips for Creatives Working From Home >

5 Tips for Creatives Working From Home >

Posted by Adele Dejak on

Are you a creative working from home for the first time?

Staying focused, inspired and connected boosts your creativity and workflow. Try these tips for creative, motivated, stress-free days.

Give yourself a moment to breathe and wake up

In the age of technology advancements where your phone is basically your office, it can be tempting to start working the first thing you’re up. Working from home is not all that complicated. This isn’t, however, the best way to have a productive day. It’s important to give yourself a moment to breathe and wake up which will help you transition into rest mode to productive mode smoothly and what better way to spark your creativity. Set your alarm as you would on a regular day and have a morning routine that motivates you to start your day on a good note this can include having a hearty breakfast and changing from your pyjamas to something a little bit more put together.

Sort out your mailbox

Take a moment to catch up, star, archive, and delete any emails that came from the day before. This can make working from home absolutely effortless. The same goes for any notifications your phone or any desktop application you use at work. This helps you clear your plate so you can start thinking creatively and work on new or existing projects without worrying about anything that needs your immediate attention.

Have a go-to workspace

In the process of working from home, it can be tempting to work from the comfiest spot in your house. It’s understandable that you may not have a whole room to set aside as your home office so you can use any comfortable, inspiring space consistently to make it feel like your spot. Try setting up a small desk in your room and put up some inspiring artwork, quotes or other decorations.

Write down your intentions for the day

Every night write a to-do list in order of importance. This will help you stay motivated while working from home, as well as ensure that you beat all your deadlines. Working from home requires a lot of independence and self-reliance and having a to-do list will help you stay focused. Offloading everything you need to get done on a task list also helps you keep track of your progress and areas you may need to improve on.

Think positive! We are all living through difficult and unpredictable times. It’s so easy to start to think negatively. Don’t! Remember this quote by Seneca, ‘The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable’.


Exercising has been proven to help with stress & anxiety while working from home.

You don’t need to have access to a gym to excercise. Walking, cycling, lifting weights from the comfort of your own home are ideal exercise routines.

Movement is exercise.

What are the health benefits of exercise?

below are just a few:

  • Helps you control your weight.

  • Reduces your risk of heart diseases.

  • Younger, healthier skin.

  • Boosts mental health and mood.

  • Energy level boost.

  • Improvements in mood.

Take a break

While working from home, it’s important to have regular breaks just like you would at the office.

Working nonstop will most likely burn you out and result in unproductivity.

Lack of breaks can also leave you exhausted, uninspired and unmotivated leading to a reduction in the quality of your work.

And remember, practice makes perfect!

africa artists benefits of exercise Category_#GirlBoss Category_Adele Dejak Category_Adele Dejak Lifestyle creatives designers Kenya office Photographers productivity think positive working from home

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