Our Moments 2016

Our Moments 2016

Posted by Mary Bosibori on

Hello fans and friends!

We cannot believe that 2016 is already drawing to a close! How time does fly! We’ve had such an exciting year filled with lots of activities tailored to pique your interest. We were blessed enough to travel far and wide and basically have a great time all-year-round. Not to say that this year was not accompanied by its numerous challenges but the universe has been kind to us and our hard work was rewarded.

Our years highlights are highlighted in this post so take a look!

samburu lady
Woman Crush from the February trip to Samburu


Having our design intern Amanda Jeneby join us in the month of June

Launching our capsule collection Amandla, in July
Launching our capsule collection Amandla, in July

Fashion Friday at Brew bistro
Fashion Friday at Brew Bistro

beginning our Noir Lover Campaign in Nairobi
beginning our Noir Lover Campaign in Nairobi

showcasing at the Sulger-Buel Lovell Gallery in London

Paris trip in September
Paris trip in September

Meeting great people in Ney York
Meeting great people in New York
Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing
Meeting up with fellow Lionesses of Africa In SOuth Africa in October
Meeting one of our favourite African artists Yemi Alade, who also happens to be a major fan of our brand!
Meeting one of our favourite African artists Yemi Alade, who also happens to be a major fan of our brand!

And of course ending the year on a major high that was Tribal Chic.
And of course ending the year on a major high that was Tribal Chic.


YANGA collection launched at the Tribal Chic
YANGA collection launched at the Tribal Chic

Not to forget the craft fairs and pop-up shops that we took part in.

Continuous love and gratitude to you all, and see you all next year!


2016 Category_Adele Dejak Category_Behind the scenes Category_highlights highlights moments 2016 visual diary

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