This month , in anticipation to the International Women’s day on the 8th of March, we will feature bold, brave and brazen women on our blog. These women not only have chutzpah, they are self-aware and have style in buckets.
We want to profile women who are leaders in their fields, women who are inspiring change and whose fashion sense constantly leaves us in awe, including Beyonce, Michelle Obama, Oprah and Coco Chanel. We will also interview women in Kenya whom we feel embody these traits and sharing stories of what emboldens them for an exciting fashion designing.
Join the conversation. Let us know what makes you fell like a boss. Marianne Williamson’s famously said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure … We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? … We are all meant to shine, as children do.”
This series is intended on reminding women everywhere how incredible and divine we are. We are all meant to shine and we do this by celebrating and uplifting one another. For a fulfilling fashion designing endeavor, Getting gorgeous fashion pieces helps with the shine as well. So let us know what your experience of being a modern, stylish go-getter is and who you think we must interview or feature
Erykah Badu image via Black Vibes