AdeleDejak Accessories

Post Easter Giveaway

Posted by Mary Bosibori on

It’s a good time of the year to shop local. The year is moving quite fast. Can you believe that Easter has come and gone just like a blink of an eye? Well, we can’t either. This time around, Easter happened to be fall on Sunday the 16th of April meaning, most people begun their holidays from Friday the 14th up until Monday the 17th in recognition of Good Friday and Easter Monday respectively.

We hope that you all had a wonderful time with your family and friends and were able to celebrate by indulging in chocolate, hunting for the Easter bunny eggs, enjoying our amazing discounts at our Village Market store located at Gigiri, and all that good stuff. You really need to shop local.

And as the tittle of this post suggests, the Adele Dejak brand could not be left behind on the giveaway and discounts spirit just to make your season way better….even post EASTER. Therefore,we wish to extend our social media giveaway competition which we have been running on Instagram @adeledejak and Twitter @Adeledejak. The original announcement of winners was today the 19th of April however we would wish to extend the date to Saturday the 22nd of April 4 p.m .

As for the 20% discounts off every item and a chance to win shopping vouchers weekly at our Village Market store, this will run until mid- May! For every KSH 10,000 spent and above, you will get the chance to enter our raffle draw. This way, you stand a bigger chance to win shopping vouchers to shop local and other special items each week! Exciting right?

competition 4

Happy hump day!

Category_Adele Dejak Category_Offer Easter giveaway Raffle Win

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