AD MUSE: Maureen Jepchirchir
Hello and Happy Women’s History Month!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at Adele Dejak. In February Maureen Jepchirchir travelled to Adele’s home in Laikipia county to participate in an exclusive Adele’s 2021 Laikipia Photo Campaign.

In the spirit of Women’s History Month, we sat down with Adele Dejak’s recent muse, the stunning and talented Maureen for an exclusive chat.
Tell us a little more about yourself.
My name is Maureen Jepchirichir. I was born and raised in Eldoret, Kenya. I am a trained graphic designer and set editor and studied 3D Animation and Multimedia.
How did you meet Adele?
I discovered Adele back in 2019 and fell in love with her exclusive works. In 2020, I boldly reached out to her through social media and the rest is history.
We are celebrating Women’s History Month, who are some of the women you look up to?
Ajuma Nasenyana and Adut Akech immediately come to mind. They have overcome so much and risen to be some of the most iconic and celebrated models of our time. They embrace their beauty and are a huge source of inspiration to me.

What drew you to the Adele Dejak brand?
The originality and spirit of Africa. Her jewellery is absolutely stunning and it truly does inspire the African Renaissance Movement. I could wear her jewellery every day.
What was the most surprising thing about working with Adele?
Her professionalism, passion and commitment to her work.
There were so many great looks in the photoshoot. Who did your makeup?
I did!! Adele enouraged me to be able to do my own makeup. I am self-taught and I started learning and experimenting when I was 18 years old. I love doing my own makeup because it’s easy and convenient. I also get to be creative in the process. For the Laikipia campaign AD and I did various looks before Adele deciding to go with the Grace Jones eye look. She liked the fact it evokes strength and it is also powerful.
What is it like being a young woman in a digital age?
In this digital age, most girls are made to feel insecure about their beauty and having to embrace what they believe to be what society wants. If you don’t fit in the standard form of ‘beauty’, you are not considered beautiful. It’s incredibly toxic and fosters insecurity among so many young women. One of the things that initially drew me to Adele Dejak is her photography. Her models looked just like me. She captures the beauty and radiance of African women and I love her for it.
Do you feel the pressure to conform to societal standards of beauty?
Absolutely not. There’s beauty in being yourself. There’s no blueprint when it comes to beauty.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about fashion. I believe that fashion is a language that tells a story about the individual wearing it.

Speaking of fashion, how would you describe your personal style?
My style is casual, minimal and effortless. I gravitate towards monochromatic pieces. I love my black and whites.
Who is your fashion icon?
Coco Chanel. I love her remarkable timeless style and emphasis on making beautiful and comfortable clothes for women.
What do you do to unwind?
I love reading. It calms me and helps me escape reality.
What book are you currently reading and what is it about?
Aleph by Paulo Coelho. The book explores the meaning of our own personal journeys. It makes you think about where you want to be or doing what you want to do.
What message do you have for young women reading this?
Believe in yourself. She who can, does.
Team AD wish Maureen the best in her future endeavours.
