AdeleDejak Accessories

Photographic works using nature as a Backdrop

Posted by Mary Bosibori on

Photographic works using nature as a Backdrop


‘If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere you go.’ Van Gogh

I declare the world to be the most elegant, beautiful thing that ever existed. Its beauty as well as its entities do have an effect on our senses. But what is it about nature that makes us declare of its beauty? Nature always has a way of bringing a lot of beauty into our lives just as there is so much around for us to see, touch and hear. No matter how many times you look at something, it is always different.


Adele tries to mix a little bit of both her professional and personal experiences especially when it comes to travel, photography or design. As both a designer and photographer, she always carries her camera almost everywhere, making her job her hobby. “One of my goals is to share my work as much as possible; I can see the most beautiful view in the world, but if I don’t capture it with my camera and publish it, it’s like I didn’t see it at all.”


This explains why Adele loves using nature as her backdrop especially when photographing pieces of her work. All of her elegant signature Jewellery pieces are always photographed with a little bit of twist and mix into nature. She derives her inspiration from using nature as her background as it gives her a sense of appreciation for beauty, a sense of contentment, joy, happiness and passion; something that has deeply rooted on the foundation for Adele’s Jewellery.


What are some of your views on using nature as a backdrop? How and why have you turned to nature especially during your photography sessions?

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Adele Dejak African design African Fashion Category_Adele Dejak Lifestyle Category_africa Category_African design Category_African designers Category_art Category_design Category_Ethical Fashion Category_finding beauty Category_hand made Category_Inspiration Category_jewellery Category_nature Category_Uncategorized hand-made inspiration jewellery photography recycled fashion sustainable fashion

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