Posted by Mary Bosibori on

What is Fashion Revolution Week All About?

In April 2013, Rana Plaza building, a clothing manufacturing building in Bangladesh, collapsed and killed thousands of people. The building collapsed due to its lack of adherence to safety and security standards. The building was bound to collapse eventually but despite that, nothing was done to prevent it.

Some major new fashion brands were sourcing their garments from that same factory. They did some damage control (good PR) after the unfortunate calamity and showed the world how they had improved the place, waited for people to forget and continued with their business as usual. To avoid a repeat of a similar disaster various stake holders including designers, factories, manufacturers, brands, policy makers and consumers came together to create Fashion Revolution.

Fashion Revolution is an NGO that has purposed to raise awareness by informing everyone about the fashion industry – particularly new fashion – in real time and also works to demand transparency from the industry by putting pressure on brands and on governments to pass laws and policy protecting the garment producers.

Therefore, every year since then, Fashion Revolution calls for the whole world to participate in raising awareness about this between the 24th of April and 30 of April.

artisans at workHow you can participate?

All you have to do is ask #whomademyclothes on any social media platform and the brands that are open to disclosing their production process tag you with their response.

A fun way to do so is by wearing your clothes inside out, taking pictures of yourself, uploading them on twitter, instagram or facebook, tagging the responsible brands with the #whomademyclothes. Upon which you shall get responses from the people who made your clothes.

Isn’t it a good feeling to be able to know the person who made your clothes? It makes things personal and once we get personal, people, brands and policy makers care more. And that is exact mission for Fashion Revolution!

To understand and learn more on the awareness click here.

How is Adele Dejak taking part?

Adele Dejak wants to participate and help create awareness on this brilliant cause. And since we are in the jewelry and bag industry we shall do it by answering the question #whomadeyourjewelry and #whomademybag . This way we get to share with you the people behind our brand and your beautiful pieces.

When: This Monday 1st of May be on the look out for our Labour day post featuring our beloved team of ARTISANS

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Adele Dejak Afri Love African design african luxury bags bracelets Category_Adele Dejak Lifestyle Category_Blog Category_design process Category_designers Category_Ethical Fashion Category_ethos Category_favourite pieces Category_Kenya Category_Nairobi Category_Recycled collection Category_showcase Category_Uncategorized Category_weaving techniques ethical fashion hand made in Kenya jewelry recycled fashion sustainable fashion

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